Pounding the Pavement in Albany

On February 2, Parks & Trails New York and its New Yorkers for Active Transportation (NY4AT) coalition partners hit the halls of the Capitol, calling for more state funding for biking and walking.

It's no coincidence that Active Transportation Advocacy Day consists of lots of active transportation-- walking, for the most part. On Tuesday, volunteers made the rounds in the Capitol and Legislative Office Building in Albany, reiterating the importance of increased funding for biking and walking to more than 40 legislators. Along with their main ask for dedicated pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure funding, advocates gathered support for "roll-on" bike service on New York's Amtrak trains, a proposal that could bring significantly more visitors to upstate parks and trails like the statewide Erie Canalway Trail. They also called on legislators to improve connections between active transportation modes, such as walking and biking, and public transit, such as buses and trails.

NY4AT coalition members are happily discovering that the day's exertions were not in vain. Legislators have responded to our calls for dedicated funding, roll-on service on Amtrak, and transit improvements. So far, we have gathered more than 20 sign-ons for our dedicated bike-ped funding and Amtrak roll-on service letters.

For more on these issues and our previous work on them, check out the New Yorkers for Active Transportation coalition website and PTNY's Trails and Active Transportation Agenda.

Active Transportation Advocacy Day wasn't just an Albany event, either. Advocates who couldn't come to the Capitol sent messages of support and shared their stories. Others used materials provided by NY4AT to make calls or arrange in-district visits with their legislators.


Organizations around the state can support bicycle and pedestrian funding by adding their names to our sign-on letter to legislative leaders through this online form.

You can share your story, as well. Tell us why you ride or walk, and what more funding for bike lanes, sidewalks, and trails would mean for your community.

Thanks to all the advocates who made the trip, to those who shared their stories, and to you for supporting biking and walking in your community!

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