Parks & Trails New York organizes and hosts events to highlight, improve and advocate for New York’s parks and trails. From volunteer workdays to advocacy days to bike tours, join us in giving back, speaking out, and enjoying our treasured outdoor places.
Participate in Canal Clean Sweep
Canal Clean Sweep is a statewide event where communities come together to participate in “spring cleaning” along the Canal System and the Canalway Trail. Volunteer jobs range from picking up litter and brush on lock grounds to removing debris from local Canal parks, all in preparation for the thousands of Canal visitors that arrive each year.
Join Us for I Love My Park Day
I Love My Park Day is a statewide event to improve and enhance New York’s parks and historic sites and bring visibility to the entire park system and its needs. Volunteers from across the state participate in cleanup, improvement, and beautification events at New York State parks and historic sites. Volunteers celebrate New York’s park system by cleaning up park lands and beaches, planting trees and gardens, restoring trails and wildlife habitat, removing invasive species, and working on various site improvement projects.
Volunteer to Maintain a Section of the Canalway Trail
The Canalway Trail needs regular maintenance throughout the season to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for the public. Presently, about 50 groups and individuals are participating in the Canalway Trail Adopt-a-Trail program by adopting sections of trail within their communities across the state.
Become a Canalway Trail Ambassador
Trail Ambassadors are volunteers who agree to patrol segments of the trail for specified time periods in order to assist and inform trail users; Monitor trail condition; and promote courteous and safe use of the trail
Join a Parks Friends Group
Friends organizations are essential to the stewardship and promotion of our state park system. These nonprofit organizations—oftentimes made up entirely of volunteers—clear trails, paint buildings, build kiosks, leading interpretive programs, and raise significant money for capital projects.